Since 2009 BBH Stockholm have been shaping and been shaped by, the development of the mobile market. From Red Bull and Justin Bieber to Bokus, Volvo cars and charismatic startups - We have gone from campaign-based entertainment applications to long-term business development and service design. With BBH Stockholm, you have the world’s leading mobile expert at your fingertips.
We give you 25 HARD-WON TRUTHS ABOUT APP MAKING, explaining the importance of the three pillars of all things digital; emotion, content, and functions. We discuss whether you should build a painkiller or a vitamin app, whether it should be slippy or sticky and around the importance of designing habits that make your app a necessity, rather than a compliment.
Christoffer Hallkvist
Design Lead
Alexander Niléhn
Business Development
Erik Agrell
Technical Director